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ABC有限公司 - 減少資本公告
發放時間 2025/02/07 HKT
DEF有限公司 - 業務轉讓通知
發放時間 2025/02/07 HKT
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ABC Limited - Public Notice of Reduction of Share Capital
Release Time 2025/02/07 HKT
DEF Limited - Notice of Proposed Amalgamation
Release Time 2025/02/07 HKT
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  1. 1. 100% prepayment is requested.
  2. 2. The promotional materials (including advertising banner) must be delivered 2-3 business days prior to the release date.
  3. 3. The advertising rates exclude production costs unless stated otherwise.
  4. 4. Censorship of all advertisement by AASTOCKS is requested, AASTOCKS reserves the right to correct or refuse any advertisement.
  5. 5. By reviewing this proposal the Customer agrees to keep all information confidential and discussed only between the Customer and AASTOCKS.
  6. 6. AASTOCKS reserves the final decision in accepting the advertisement if the company's products are unsuitable.
  7. 7. The Advertising locations may be changed without prior notice.
  8. 8. AASTOCKS has the absolute right to reject any advertising message relating to competitors of AASTOCKS and Shanghai DZH Limited.
  9. 9. The Customer agrees to follow the attached Terms and Conditions.
  10. 10. All bookings are non-cancellable and non-refundable once the quotation is settled.

Terms and Conditions
  1. 1. In consideration of payment of the Fees, AASTOCKS agrees to provide the Services to the Customer. The Customer shall pay the Fees and all applicable taxes and tariffs relating to its use of the Services. AASTOCKS will invoice the Customer on a monthly basis by electronic mail, post and/or facsimile transmission. Payment is due at presentation for the full invoiced amount. If the Customer does not pay within 30 days after the invoice date, a late payment charge of 1.5% per month will be due and payable with respect to the outstanding balance and AASTOCKS will be entitled to terminate this Agreement and/or the provision of any of the Services to the Customer.
  2. 2. The Customer is responsible for and must provide all equipment necessary to access the Services and must comply at all times with AASTOCKS' requirements as regards mode of access and/or use of the Services.
  3. 3. The Customer shall be responsible for, except where notified by AASTOCKS to the contrary, obtaining and maintaining all consents and licenses and making all filings necessary to receive or use the Services including consents of telecommunication, exchange or similar information providers or other government or regulatory authorities and shall provide copies to AASTOCKS. For the avoidance of doubt, the Customer shall obtain and maintain all necessary licenses and consents for the receipt of any data provided by an exchange or similar body as part of the Services except to the extent, if any, specified in this Agreement.
  4. 4. AASTOCKS may cancel all or part of the Services if (a) the Services becomes the subject of a claim that such service infringes the rights of any third person or that AASTOCKS otherwise does not have the right to permit others to use it; (b) the Services becomes illegal or contrary to any applicable law or regulation. The Customer may cancel the affected Service if AASTOCKS cancellation substantially frustrates the Customer's purpose in subscribing to such Services.
  5. 5. The Customer shall not:- (a) without the prior written approval of AASTOCKS (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) disseminate the contents, news, and information supplied by AASTOCKS or any part thereof to any other person; (b) use or permit the use of the contents, news, and information supplied by AASTOCKS or any part thereof for any illegal purpose; (c) use the contents, news, and information supplied by AASTOCKS or any part thereof other than in the ordinary course of its own business (which shall not include dissemination to third parties); and (d) use the contents, news, and information supplied by AASTOCKS or any part thereof to establish, maintain or provide or to assist in establishing, maintaining or providing an Off Market
  6. 6. The Customer shall be wholly responsible for all use of the Services and agrees to indemnify AASTOCKS against all and any liability arising, directly or indirectly, and in any jurisdiction, out of the use of the Services. The Customer agrees to abide by all applicable laws (whether of Hong Kong or of any relevant jurisdiction) relating to the use of the Services, in particular, but without limitation, the Customer shall not access or publish any matter which violates any laws (whether of Hong Kong or of any relevant jurisdiction) and warrants that its use of the Services does not and shall not, directly or indirectly, infringe any third party's intellectual property rights in any jurisdiction.
  7. 7. Subject to the other provisions in this Terms and Conditions and the Agreement, neither AASTOCKS/Group Company(ies) of AASTOCKS nor any or its directors, employees or agents warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted or error free, or give any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the Services. In no event will AASTOCKS/Group Company(ies) of AASTOCKS or its directors, employees or agents be liable to the Customer for any damage, (including, but without limitation, special, incidental, or consequential damage) arising from the use of, or inability to use (for whatever reason), the Services, including but not limited to damages resulting from loss of data or loss of profits.
  8. 8. Any contents, news, and information supplied by AASTOCKS/Group Company(ies) of AASTOCKS to the Customer, remain(s) the property of AASTOCKS/Group Company(ies) of AASTOCKS. The Customer undertakes not to advertise, or redistribute, and or otherwise to broadcast, such contents, news and information upon termination of the Services or this Agreement, nor to use the word "AASTOCKS" in any way as a business or company name or trade mark.
  9. 9. If the Customer is in breach of any of the terms of this Agreement, AASTOCKS may, at its sole discretion, either suspend the Customer's access to and use of any of the Services until such breach is remedied or terminate the Agreement and the Customer's access to and use of any of the Services. Reinstatement will be at the sole option of AASTOCKS and upon such terms and conditions as it shall determine.
  10. 10. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. All obligations and restrictions on the Customer under this Agreement will survive the termination of this Agreement and/or the termination of the provision of any of the Services. No waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement, nor delay or omission to exercise any right, shall constitute a waiver of any other breach or default by the other party.
  11. 11. Unless otherwise agreed in writing and signed by both parties, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
  12. 12. Each party agrees to keep and procure to be kept confidential the terms of this Agreement and any information in whatever form obtained from the disclosing party pursuant to this Agreement, whether or not designated as confidential ("Confidential Information"). Each party undertakes not to make available or permit to be made available any Confidential Information to any third party unless it has obtained prior written approval from the disclosing party or such information is already made known to the public or disclosure is required by law. Each party further undertakes to disclose to its employees, officers or agents on a need-to-know basis and to use any Confidential Information only for purposes related to this Agreement.
  13. 13. Depending on the Services, the Customer may be required to enter into one or more third-party licenses, to obtain authorizations and/or to pay third-party fees. In addition to any other indemnification obligations contained in the Agreement, the Customer indemnifies and holds AASTOCKS harmless against any losses or damages AASTOCKS suffers as a result of (a) the Customer's failure to enter into any third-party license, to obtain authorizations and/or to pay third-party fees, or (b) the Customer using the Services outside the scope of a third-party license, an authorization or beyond what is allowed in relation to the third-party fees paid for by the Customer. AASTOCKS reserves the right not to make the Service available to the Customer or to suspend the access to the service until the Customer has in place all necessary third-party licenses and authorization and/or the Customer has paid all third-party fees.
  14. 14. The Customer acknowledges that the AASTOCKS Service may contain third-party intellectual property (IP). In this context, Customer shall provide the proof of authorization issued by the third-party IP licensor to AASTOCKS before the relevant Service is provided to the Customer. Signing parties acknowledge that the supply of third-party IP is beyond the control of AASTOCKS and that modifications to third-party IP may be required as determined by the relevant third-party licensor.
阁下同意为其提交的所有资料(包括但不限于姓名, 联络电话, 电邮等)及公告内容之所载资料的完整性及准确性作出保证。AASTOCKS.com Limited只为提供资讯服务,AASTOCKS.com Limited对本公告的内容不承担任何责任,对其准确性,完整性,品质,及时性,或可靠性不作任何陈述或予以认可,并明确表示不对任何由本公告的全部或部分内容引致之损失或损害承担任何法律责任或为其引起的损失负责。
电话 :  (852) 2186 8685
电邮 :  adsales@aastocks.com
免责声明 AASTOCKS.com Limited对本公告的内容不承担任何责任,对其准确性,完整性,品质,及时性,或可靠性不作任何陈述或予以认可,并明确表示不对任何由本公告的全部或部分内容引致之损失或损害承担任何法律责任或为其引起的损失负责。
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AASTOCKS.com Limited、香港交易所资讯服务有限公司、中国投资信息有限公司、深圳证券信息有限公司、Nasdaq, Inc.、其控股公司及/或该等控股公司的任何附属公司、或其资讯来源及/或其他第三方数据供应商均竭力确保所提供资讯的准确和可靠度,但不能保证其绝对准确和可靠,且亦不会承担因任何不准确或遗漏而引起的任何损失或损害的责任(不管是否侵权法下的责任或合约责任又或其他责任)。

AASTOCKS.com Limited、香港交易所资讯服务有限公司、中国投资信息有限公司、深圳证券信息有限公司、Nasdaq, Inc.、其控股公司及/或该等控股公司的任何附属公司、或其资讯来源及/或其他第三方数据供应商均对资讯不作任何明示或隐含的要约、陈述或保证(包括但不限于可销售性及特殊用途合适性的资讯保证) 。

AASTOCKS.com Limited、香港交易所资讯服务有限公司、中国投资信息有限公司、深圳证券信息有限公司、Nasdaq, Inc.、或其控股公司及/或该等控股公司的任何附属公司、或其资讯来源及/或其他第三方数据供应商不会就任何原因导致的中断、不准确、错误或遗漏或因此而造成的任何损害赔偿(不论直接或间接、相应而生、惩罚性或惩戒性)对任何人承担责任。

AASTOCKS.com Limited不负责,亦不承担任何由于不可抗力的事故或在AASTOCKS.com Limited不可合理控制的情况下导致的损失或损害,如台风、暴雨、其他自然灾难、政府或有关机构的限制、骚动、战争、病毒爆发,网络故障或电信故障,引致AASTOCKS.com Limited不能履行协议内的责任或提供服务。

Morningstar免责声明:版权所有©2020 Morningstar,Inc。保留所有权利此处包含的资料,数据,分析和意见(“信息”):( 1)包含Morningstar及其内容提供者的专营资料;(2)除特别授权外,不得复制或转载;(3) 不构成投资建议;(4)仅供参考,(5)并未为所载资料的完整性,准确性及时间性作出保证.Morningstar对于阁下使用任何相关资料而作出的任何有关交易决定,伤害及其它损失均不承担 任何责任。请在使用所有资料前作出核实,并且在咨询专业投资顾问意见前勿作任何投资决定。过往业绩并不代表将来表现,任何投资项目的价值及所得收入皆可升可跌。

本网站/应用程式包含的内容和信息乃根据公开资料分析和演释,该公开资料,乃从相信属可靠之来源搜集,这些分析和信息并未经独立核实和AASTOCKS.com Limited并不保证他们的准确性、完整性、实时性或者正确性。

在本网站/应用程式的资料、金融市场数据、报价、图表、统计数据、汇率、新闻、研究、分析、购买或者出售评分、财金教学及其他资讯仅作参考使用,在根据资讯执行证券或任何交易前,应咨询独立专业意见,以核实定价资料或获取更详细的市场信息。AASTOCKS.com Limited不应被视为游说任何订户或访客执行任何交易,阁下须为所有跟随在本网站/应用程式的资料、评论和购买或出售评分执行的交易负责。

AASTOCKS.com Limited之信息服务基于「现况」及「现有」的基础提供,网站/应用程式的信息和内容如有更改恕不另行通知。AASTOCKS.com Limited有权但无此义务,改善或更正在本网站/应用程式的任何部分之错误或疏漏。

用户在没有AASTOCKS.com Limited明确的书面同意情况下,不得以任何方式复制、传播、出售、出版、广播、公布、传递资讯内容或者利用在本网站/应用程式的信息和内容作商业用途。

投资涉及风险。 阁下可自行决定利用本网站的财金教学作学术参考用途,但 AASTOCKS.com Limited不能并不会保证任何在本网站/应用程式现在或未来的购买或出售评论和讯息会否带来赢利。 过往之表现不一定反映未来之表现,AASTOCKS.com Limited不可能作出该保证及用户不应该作出该假设 。

AASTOCKS.com Limited也许连结订户或访客至其有兴趣的网站,但AASTOCKS.com Limited只提供此服务给订户或访客并不为此安排负责。

AASTOCKS.com Limited对于任何包含于、经由、连结、下载或从任何与本网站/应用程式有关服务所获得之资讯、内容或广告,不声明或保证其内容之正确性或可靠性。对于阁下透过本网站/应用程式上之广告、资讯或要约而展示、购买或取得之任何产品、资讯资料,本公司亦不负品质保证之责任。

AATV是AASTOCKS.com Limited所属的视频网站平台。

阁下确认:(i)AATV只为提供资讯,而不是为了任何交易目的;(ii)AATV节目内容及其提供的资料本身并不构成任何AASTOCKS为售出任何证券。 (iii)AATV并非并存的人或法律实体,在其他司法管辖区或国家使用,而在某处可能因该使用或分发而违反当地法律或法规。

AASTOCKS.com Limited不对任何其他人进行评论,也不会代表AASTOCKS.com有限公司。 (i)AATV的不准确,错误或遗漏,包括但不限于报价和财务数据;(ii)AATV中的节目传输的流量,错误或中断;(iii)阁下由AATV中部节目内容招致任何损失。




更新日期为: 2023年1月6日